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your Online
Business Infra

Enhance your website OR build new with COSTBO to enjoy lightning-fast loading catalogs, seamless express checkout, instant payment processing and much more

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Ecomm Advantages
Ecommerce Orders
Integrated Shipping
Automated Delivery

Fastest shipping integration on your website

Effortlessly reach every corner of India with our streamlined and cost-saving pickup and drop-off services, providing well-integrated shipping solutions for packages weighing from 50 grams to 5000 kgs, including hyperlocal express shipments

Efficiency Icon One
99% of India covered
Efficiency Icon Two
Automated Pick up & Drop off
Efficiency Icon Three
30% lower shipping cost
Advance Section Girl
Discount Offer

Ready-to-use Discount & Loyalty point system

Easily create and customize discounts, track customer points, and even send personalized offers


Personalized discounts : Reward your loyal customers with special discounts to boost sales


Cashback & Loyalty Points : Encourage customers to buy more and often, increase customer retention.


Limited time offers : Serves as a strong incentive for potential customers with quick sales

Integrated CRM insights

Track and analyze customer behavior, including purchase history, interests, campaign performance, geographic distribution and more to boost sales effectiveness


Average repeat orders using loyalty points


New customer orders using referral coupons

ONDC sales
Unique customers